Overview of GrantEd Guide

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    MRFF Clinical Trials Activity Initiative GrantEd Guide

    • MRFF Childhood Mental Health Research Grant

    • All about GrantEd

The MRFF Childhood Mental Health Research Grant Opportunity provides funding to (stream 1) large-scale multidisciplinary projects to understand factors that contribute to mental illness in children/keep children mentally healthy and (stream 2) small-scale developmental projects focused on clinical care and/or therapeutic change for childhood mental illness. Projects are to be co-designed and co-produced with consumers. This guide will help researchers to develop a plan for interpreting and describing project impact, team capacity and capability, risk management and measures of success.

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What they're saying...

Dr Josh Zeunert

UNSW Built Environment

Thank you so much! And thanks again for your help in preparing the DECRA submission – I could not have done it without you!!! I am super excited about it!!”

Professor Andrew Dzurak

Engineering - University of New South Wales

The assistance you provided was both practical, and saved me considerable time, and also strategic. I feel that your assistance definitely helped me in achieving a successful outcome with my fellowship.

Gillian Oliver

Associate Professor, Digital Equity - Monash University

I'm always very impressed with the feedback I get from GrantEd, and this is no exception. The work you do is amazing, I was telling a colleague this morning that you have superpowers!

Amanda Berry

Professor of STEM Education - Monash University

Sometimes you named things that had been lurking in our thinking but had not explicitly named, and other times it was a new insight that was really helpful for sharpening our focus and keeping the writing at the big picture level.

Sincere thanks for your input, it is really valuable and I really struggled to understand how to best pitch my research impact area.

I'm emailing you to say I got the Investigator Grant! Thank so much for your help and getting me to understand how the impact sections worked!