Overview of GrantEd Guide

    1. ARC Discovery Indigenous: Writing your A4/A5 (IN24) - Guide

    2. GrantEd - About us (2025)

About this course

  • Free
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

This A4/A5/A6 guide is suitable for all ARC schemes and will help you interpret the ARC’s Instructions to Applicants and write pithy, targeted responses to these short, but tricky and important sections. Based on national best practice, the guide provides step-by-step advice on the Application Summary, List of Objectives and the National Interest Test Statement, enabling you to confidently tackle these sections and substantially improve your chance of success.

What they're saying...

Professor Andrew Dzurak

Engineering - University of New South Wales

The assistance you provided was both practical, and saved me considerable time, and also strategic. I feel that your assistance definitely helped me in achieving a successful outcome with my fellowship.

Gillian Oliver

Associate Professor, Digital Equity - Monash University

I'm always very impressed with the feedback I get from GrantEd, and this is no exception. The work you do is amazing, I was telling a colleague this morning that you have superpowers!

Amanda Berry

Professor of STEM Education - Monash University

Sometimes you named things that had been lurking in our thinking but had not explicitly named, and other times it was a new insight that was really helpful for sharpening our focus and keeping the writing at the big picture level.